Beijing METRO switches on green light for TVEMA

Joint pilot project of a Chinese Railway Company, ZAO «Firma TVEMA», and a plant of CSR Qishuyan Locomotive Co. Ltd., that started three years back to create flaw detection technic for permanent way infrastructure control of railways and metro lines, scores a great progress.


One of directions of the said project, particularly creation of flaw detection rail car for Chinese Metropolitan, has been realized. With this particular elaboration Partners on 27-th of May 2014 won a tender to supply to Beijing Metropolitan – second largest in the world self- propelled flaw detection rolling stock.


Other Chinese companies, the world biggest producers of flaw detection technic such as American Sperry Rail Service and Rail Depcons  fought  to get this Contract. It being known, that till recently Sperry Rail Service  was practically the sole supplier of flaw detection units to Chinese Rail ways


The Company’s leadership holds that present achievements is predetermined in many respects by the work itself at the joint project, when we were able to prove to Chinese counterparts, that our technic is much dependable, accurate and cheaper in operation than any world’s analogues including American ones. In the above said years the Company took part in several biggest specialized exhibitions in Shanghai and Beijing, demonstrated its own newest elaborations as well holding exclusive presentations to the representatives of rail ways and metro of PRC, many business meetings with Chinese colleagues took place both in Tianshang de and Russia. Apart it should be noted an assistance of The Embassy, Trade Representation and Ministry of Transportation of Russian Federation in the promotion of the Company into the Chinese market.


The present triumph at the tender is the token event for the Company. It is known, that Beijing Metro is the recognized arbiter of technical development of all CPR’s undergrounds and the said victory opens good perspective for introduction of our flaw detection technic into the other Chinese cities.


“TVEMA’s” leadership hopes, that realized project will allow the Company to announce about itself in Chinese market, stimulate its expansion there, will favour to achieve strategic goal  -  to become firmly established as a leading supplier of Flaw Detection equipment to Chinese Railways and METRO.